第4回アジャイル・ガバナンスシンポジウム 開催のお知らせ
Agile Governance Symposium 4th
4月4日(金)にステーションコンファレンス東京(サピアタワー)5階 にて、4月5日(土)に京都大学時計台ホールにて、「第4回アジャイル・ガバナンスシンポジウム」を開催いたします(オンライン同時配信)。
The 4th Agile Governance Symposium will be held in Tokyo on Friday, April 4 and in Kyoto on Saturday April 5, 2025.
At this symposium, researchers and practitioners will engage in a multifaceted discussion on the key issues related to governance, compliance and risk management in Society 5.0, with the aim of implementing ‘agile governance’ - a new governance model that envisions a society in which cyber and physical spaces are highly integrated.
For more information and to register, please see the seminar information here.